Administrator Guide 2017
Set up a user to access a subset of locations
Before you start
  1. Identify the users who need to access the locations.
  2. Identify a meaningful name for the Location Group.
  3. Identify the locations to be included in the Location Group.
Why would I need to associate a user to more than one location?
  1. magic5 requires all customers to have at least one location and customer-wide or location contact may also be set up as a user with access to reports for that customer/location
  2. However, some users may be associated with more than one location, but not all.  For instance, the customer's regional managers may need to see several locations but be prohibited from seeing other regional manager's locations.
Overview of process
  1. Step 1. Set up a Location Group
  2. Step 2. Assign locations to the Location Group
  3. Step 3. Link the Location Group to the user
Step 1. Set up a Location Group
  1. In the Setup/Maintenance menu, select Lists.
  2. Click on the list entries link next to the Location Group list

  3. Click on Add item.

  4. Give the Location Group list entry a meaningful name.
  5. Repeat 3-4 for all the location subsets that you require.
Step 2. Assign locations to the Location Group
  1. In the Setup/Maintenance menu, select Customers.
  2. Select a customer.
  3. Click on the location name.
  4. Select the appropriate Location Group from the drop-down list.

  5. Save.
  6. Repeat 3-5 for each location within a customer that needs to be handled in this way.
  7. Repeat 2-6 for each customer that needs to be handled in this way.
Step 3. Link the Location Group to the user
  1. In the Setup/Maintenance menu, select Users.
  2. Click on the required user.
  3. Select the required customer from the Associated customer drop-down list. This can be left as All but this is usually applied to a customer user, so it would normally restrict access to that customer.
  4. Select All from the Associated location drop-down list.
  5. Select the Location Group required from the drop-down list Region or location group.

  6. Save.
See Also